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Beller M & Or E. 1998. 'The Crossroads between Lifelong Learning and Information Technology: A Challenge Facing Leading Universities' Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 4 (2).

Bullen M. 1998. 'Participation and critical thinking in online university distance education' Journal of Distance Education. 13 (2).

Dearing R. 1997. Higher Education in the Learning Society. The National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education.

Dringus LP. From Both Sides Now: On Being An Online Learner and An Online Professor. eLearn Magazine.

Garland KJ, Anderson SJ, and Noyes JM. 1998. 'The Internet as a Learning Tool: A Preliminary Study' paper given at the Iriss National Conference March 1998, Bristol.

Kante C, and Savani V 2003. 'e-Learning - The New Frontier in the Developing World'. TechKnowLogia. 5 (1).

Laister J & Kober S. 2002. Social Aspects of Collaborative Learning in Virtual Learning Environments. Technikum Joanneum.

McDonald J. 2002. 'Is "As Good As Face-to-face" As Good As it Gets?' Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks. 6 (2).

Muirhead B. 2002. 'E-tivities: The key to active online learning: Book review' Educational Technology & Society. 5 (4).

Tsai S, & Machado P. E-Learning, Online Learning, Web-based Learning, or Distance Learning:Unveiling the Ambiguity in Current Terminology. eLearn Magazine.


Content Village The overall objective of this platform is to disseminate and promote best practice and results of the eContent programme to all interested parties in the digital content and language industry, and the public sector.

EDUCNET Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching.

e-Learning Centre: the Centre for Learning about e-Learning Find out everything about e-learning.

eLRN The Distance Learning Portal site provided by the eLRN Network

eSchoolnet The educational portal for schools in Europe.

European institute for E-Learning (EIFEL) Reference point for elearning practitioners in Europe.

Learning Circuits ASTD's Online Magazine All About E-Learning.

UNESCO eLearning portal The objective of the e-learning portal is to increase and facilitate access to education resources in different regions of the world in different languages while stimulating professional co-operation to improve the quality of education and learning.

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University of Stirling Faculty of Human Sciences